Suggested Aspirations for Roundtable Members


 FutureShapers Aspirations

Roundtable Members aspire to:

  • Seek self transcendence, deepening self-examination/exploration, increasing my experience of equanimity and serenity;
  • Be authentic; integrate my mind, body, heart and soul; be consistent with my walk and my talk;
  •  Continuously examine myself – personality traits I can improve upon, my stories and my beliefs that limit me, and my attitudes and actions that negatively impact others;
  •  Do no harm; whenever I am wrong, promptly admit it and make amends for any harm I’ve done to anyone;
  •  Treat others as I would like to be treated (“The Golden Rule”);
  •  Seek out ways to be in relationship with a power greater than my own egoic mind;
  •  Spend at least 20 minutes each day in meditation/quiet time;
  •  Do the right thing always; whenever there is a question, follow my heart and my conscience, not my head;
  •  Be more compassionate about others and reverent about life, honoring my interconnectedness with all living things;
  •  Accept my leadership responsibilities as an honor and a gift, not an obligation or cause for self-importance;
  •  Consciously be a role model for others; and
  • Create workplace cultures where these aspirations are honored and respected.


These above aspirations are included in the FutureShapers Covenant